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Live Naked Quiz

The #LiveNaked Quiz

Illustration of the Naked Persona Sours

To find out your Naked persona all you have to do is take our short quiz (only 5 questions), sound good?

Question 1

Which of these would you take with you to a desert island? 

Question 2

Which set of emojis best describes your perfect day?

Question 3

You’re standing at the bottom of a beautiful mountain. Do you:

Question 4

What is your idea of the perfect date?

Question 5

If you won the lottery, which of these would you be most likely to do:

Your Naked persona is...

Quad bike illustration

You’re driven by the desire to expand boundaries and explore uncharted territories, you love nothing more than the rush of adrenaline. If it weren’t for the likes of you, we’d all still be living in caves, wearing fur. Although you may enjoy that, after all, it’s about the adventure.  

For you Living Naked is heading out of the city to seek out the different, explore the unexplored and raising a glass to the spirit of adventure — wherever you find it.

Your Naked persona is...

Artist easel in front of a mountain illustration

You’re a creative titan, full of ideas and all abuzz with the desire to constantly create! You find beauty everywhere you look, from the city to the sea. Whether you’re daydream doodling or singing along to your favourite songs, you appreciate nothing more than whiling away your day and getting those creative juices flowing.

For you Living Naked is all about the journey and not the destination; just remember to grab a few like-minded friends!

Your Naked persona is...

Hammock and books illustration

You’re all about perspective, turning off and tuning out. Life is nothing without a bit of R&R because after all, watching the world go by is one of life’s great pleasures. Stop and smell the roses, others will have to ask how they smell.

For you Living Naked is enjoying the sights and sounds of a new city from the comfort of a riverside bar, sipping a drink with friends into the small-hours.


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